Memory Controls for ChatGPT: You Can Make ChatGPT “Forget and Remember” Things

Memory Controls for ChatGPT: In a major leap forward, OpenAI has introduced innovative “memory” controls for ChatGPT, allowing users to influence the chatbot’s ability to recall and store information. Currently in testing, these controls empower users to shape ChatGPT’s memory, providing a more personalized and relevant conversational experience. This article explores the implications of this groundbreaking feature, highlighting potential use cases and addressing privacy considerations.

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Tailoring Conversations with ChatGPT’s Memory

OpenAI’s new memory controls enable users to explicitly instruct ChatGPT to remember specific details or to turn off its memory altogether. This functionality opens the door to tailored conversations, where users can guide ChatGPT’s understanding of their preferences, creating a more customized interaction.

Enhancing User Experience Over Time

ChatGPT’s memory feature evolves with each interaction, becoming more attuned to users’ preferences and nuances over time. The continuous learning process ensures that users experience improvements in the chatbot’s responsiveness and relevance, making conversations feel increasingly personalized.

Practical Applications in Various Contexts

The introduction of memory controls carries significant implications for practical applications. Users can instruct ChatGPT to remember personal preferences, such as commuting choices or parenting situations. In a business context, memories can be utilized to retain formatting preferences for blog posts, programming languages, and more. Says OpenAI in a Blog Post

Memory Feature in GPTs and ChatGPT

OpenAI emphasizes that both GPTs and ChatGPT have their distinct memories. For instance, Books GPT can remember users’ reading preferences, providing a unique and tailored experience. However, memories are not shared between ChatGPT and other GPTs, ensuring a separation of data and enhancing privacy.

Privacy Considerations and User Control

Recognizing the potential sensitivity of the information stored in ChatGPT’s memory, OpenAI assures users that the memory feature can be disabled at any time. Users have granular control over their memories, with options to view, delete specific memories, or clear all memories. OpenAI has implemented privacy-preserving features, such as the ability to delete memories independently of chat history.

Temporary Chat Feature for Privacy Preservation

To further enhance privacy, OpenAI is introducing the Temporary Chat feature in ChatGPT. Limited initially to a subset of users, this feature allows for conversations with a blank slate, preventing ChatGPT from accessing memories or prior chat history. Users can enjoy a privacy-preserving experience while still benefiting from custom instructions.


OpenAI’s introduction of memory controls for ChatGPT represents a significant stride in creating a more personalized and user-centric conversational AI experience. As users embrace the ability to shape the chatbot’s memory, OpenAI continues to prioritize privacy, offering robust controls and features to ensure a secure and tailored interaction with ChatGPT.

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Raj Verma is a passionate technologist with a background in software engineering and content creation. He leverages his experience to empower job seekers, particularly those new to the field, with the latest industry insights and resources to land their dream careers. As the founder of TechAtPhone, Raj is dedicated to fostering a thriving tech community where knowledge is shared and career aspirations are realized.